When swollen hands or feet are caused by trigger points (as they often are), it is because some place further upstream, the vessel is being partially blocked or squeezed, preventing the returning fluids from passing through.
scalene trigger points and cold
... Pain, Myofascial Pain, News, Self Care Tips, Trigger Point Pain Relef, Trigger Point Therapy, Trigger Points. When John started receiving trigger point therapy, it was after a long struggle with tendonitis-like pain in his hands.
Trigger point activity in the Scalene muscle group plays a significant role in many upper body pain complaints such as chest pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, radiating arm pain or numbness, wrist pain, and hand pain.
Your scalenes are a group of 3-4 muscles on both front sides of your neck that very often get these “landmine” trigger points that cause every symptom above. Scalenes are small muscles with huge pain referrals, many times the reason that& ...
When swollen hands or feet are caused by trigger points (as they often are), it is because some place further upstream, the vessel is being partially blocked or squeezed, preventing the returning fluids from passing through.
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